
Here you’ll find legal analysis geared toward but not limited to law students and largely produced by LCNP staff, board members, and advisors. In addition, we have published a selection of excellent law student papers exploring topics in law related to nuclear weapons and warfare. 

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Recommended Legal Reading


Contemporary Issues as to Nuclear Weapons and International Law in a Post 9/11 World, Professor Charles J. Moxley, Fordham Law School, Fall 2016. Charles Moxley, LCNP Treasurer, is author of Nuclear Weapons and International Law in the Post-Cold War World (Austin & Winfield, 2000).

Nuclear Weapons Doctrine, Arms Control, and International Law, Professor Elliott L. Meyrowitz, Michigan State University College of Law, Spring 2004. Elliott Meyrowitz, a member of the LCNP consultative council, is author of Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons: the Relevance of International Law (Transnational Publishers, 1990).

Treaty Regimes: Negotiation and Implementation – NBC weapons, ozone depletion, climate change, Professor John Burroughs, Rutgers Law School – Newark, Fall 2006

The Iraq War and International Law, Professors John Burroughs and Merav Datan, Rutgers Law School, Newark, Fall 2004. John Burroughs is LCNP Executive Director; Merav Datan is former Research Director for LCNP and a board member.