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Last updated May 2022


Students will come away from this module with a thorough understanding of the intersectionality between climate change and nuclear weapons. Students will analyze how nuclear weapons impact climate change and vice versa on both a technical level and then on a policy level. In this module, students will look at the cases of the Runit Dome and Fukushima as examples of the real world convergence between climate change and nuclear weapons. Important focus areas in this module are: climate change, nuclear power, nuclear waste, nuclear testing, the UN sustainable development goals, and environmental law. 

Reading List:

Questions for Discussion: 

  1. What are the linkages between climate change and nuclear weapons? How do they impact one another?

  2. How have the Human Rights Council and the Human Rights Committee approached climate change, and has this approach been effective? 

  3. What benefit is there in looking at disarmament through an environmental law lens? 

  4. How can we use environmental law to promote nuclear abolition?

  5. How did the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty model its composition after the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty? Was this an effective strategy?