About LCNP


Founded in 1981, the Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy is a non-profit educational association of lawyers and legal scholars that engages in research and advocacy in support of the global elimination of nuclear weapons and a more just and peaceful world through respect for domestic and international law.

LCNP serves as the UN office of the International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms. We:

  • Provide legal and policy analysis to national and international policymakers, civil society, and media

  • Publish books and papers

  • Advocate in UN and Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty settings, and in Washington, DC

  • Work in disarmament and peace networks and campaigns

  • Provide legal assistance to individuals and organizations working for disarmament and peace.



Guy Quinlan

Vice President
Saul Mendlovitz

Vice President
Jutta Bertram-Nothnagel

Executive Director
Deepshikha Vijh

Senior Analyst
John Burroughs

Ian Anderson
Francis Boyle
John Burroughs (ex officio)
Anne Marie Corominas
Anabel Dwyer
Richard Falk
Jonathan Granoff
Charles J. Moxley, Jr.
Todd Pierce
James Ranney
Gail Rowan
Elizabeth Shafer
Seth Shelden
Peter Weiss, President Emeritus
Jules Zacher

Robert Boehm (1914-2006) Haywood Burns (1940-1996) William Epstein (1912-2001) Shirley Fingerhood (1923-2008)

Burns Weston (1933-2015)

Initial Co-President
Martin Popper (1909-1989)

Consultative Council
Edward Aguilar
Glenn Alcalay
Carl David Birman
Susan Bitensky
Jacqueline Cabasso
Roger Clark
Brian D'Agostino
Nicole Deller
Asbjorn Eide
Jerome Elkind
Howard Friel
Ann Fagan Ginger
Peter Goldberger
Edward Gordon
Kevin Kennedy
Jules Lobel
Bert Lockwood
Stephen Marks
Elliott Meyrowitz
Toshiki Mogami
John B. Quigley

Consultative Council
William Quigley
Douglas Roche
Allan Rosas
Randy Rydell
Simeon Sahaydachny
Yoshikikazu Sakamoto
Sherle Schwenninger
Dinah Shelton
Ron Slye
Michael E. Tigar
Alyn Ware

Frank Askin (1932-2021)

Richard Barnet (1929-2004)
Ian Brownlie (1932-2010)
Eugene J. Carroll Jr. (1924-2003)
Maxwell Cohen (1910-1998)
Anthony D'Amato (1931-2018)
Robert Drinan (1920-2007)
John H.E. Fried (1905-1990)

David Krieger (1942-2023)
Virginia Leary (1926-2009)
Sean MacBride (1904-1988)
Howard N. Meyer (1915-2012)
Ved Nanda (1934-2024)

Marcus Raskin (1934-2017)
Edith Tiger (1920-2003)




Guy C. Quinlan

Mr. Quinlan retired in 2008 from Rogers & Wells/Clifford Chance, where he specialized primarily in Federal antitrust and securities litigation. Current nonprofit affiliations include Board of Directors, NGO Committee on Disarmament, Peace and Security; Member of Committee on National Security, American Bar Association International Law Section; Chair, Nuclear Disarmament Task Force, All Souls Unitarian Church, New York City; Member, Climate Advisory Group, Unitarian Universalist UN Office; Pro Bono Legal Advisor, Oxfam International, re negotiation of the Arms Trade Treaty. Past nonprofit activities include Director and President, Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, and Member, Advisory Council on Ministerial Studies, Harvard Divinity School. Mr. Quinlan graduated from Harvard Law School in 1963.

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Saul Mendlovitz

Saul Mendlovitz is Dag Hammarskjold Professor of Peace and World Order Studies at the Rutgers University School of Law and Co-Director of the World Order Models Project (WOMP). He is a former member of the Board of Directors of the Arms Control Association and a former consultant for the Social Science Advisory Board of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. He has written extensively on security matters and issues relevant to promoting a just world order. His most recent publications include: Preferred Futures for the United Nations; "The Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide" and; "Advisory Opinion on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons: a Narrative of Affirmative and Judge Weeremantry’s Grotian Quest." Prof. Mendlovitz along with Randall Forsberg, Director of the Institute for Defense and Disarmament Studies and Ambassador Jonathan Dean, are U.S. members of an international consortium who are promoting a world-wide project, Global Action to Prevent War.



Jutta F. Bertram-Nothnagel

Jutta F. Bertram-Nothnagel, LL.M., is an attorney registered in New York, with US and German law degrees. She is a Former Director of Relations with Intergovernmental Organizations for the Union Internationale des Avocats and served as UIA Permanent Representative to the United Nations and to the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court [ICC-ASP]. She currently represents the International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms at the UN and at the ICC-ASP. From 2001 until the conclusion of the Kampala Review Conference, she led the CICC Team on the Crime of Aggression. She has attended the negotiating processes for the International Criminal Court since 1995. At the Rome Conference, she has led the CICC Team on General Principles. She has represented non-governmental organizations at the United Nations since 1992, especially in the areas of sustainable development and human rights. She has been Adjunct Associate Professor at Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva University, New York, 1985-1989, Senior Fellow at the Center for International Studies at New York University, 1991-1992, and President of the United Nations Association of New York, 1997-2000.

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Charles J. Moxley, Jr.

Charles J. Moxley, Jr., is the author of Nuclear Weapons and International Law in the Post Cold War World (Austin & Winfield 2000) and numerous law review and other articles on the subject, and an adjunct professor at Fordham Law School teaching nuclear weapons law. He is a practicing attorney in New York City, specializing in commercial, securities, and insurance litigation, and spends much of his professional time as an arbitrator and mediator. He is a Fellow of the College of Commercial Arbitrators and of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and Chair Elect of the Dispute Resolution Section of the New York State Bar Association.

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John Burroughs

Dr. John Burroughs is Senior Analyst for Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy (LCNP) in New York City. From February 1999 to September 2020 he was the Executive Director. He has represented LCNP in Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty review proceedings and in negotiations on the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. He was a member of the legal team for the Marshall Islands in its nuclear disarmament cases in the International Court of Justice. His publications include: contributor, Rethinking General and Complete Disarmament in the Twenty-first Century, UN Office for Disarmament Affairs Occasional Papers No. 28, October 2016; co-author, “Nuclear Weapons and Compliance with International Humanitarian Law and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty,” Fordham International Law Journal (2011); co-editor and contributor, Nuclear Disorder or Cooperative Security? U.S. Weapons of Terror, the Global Proliferation Crisis, and Paths to Peace (2007); co-editor and contributor, Rule of Power or Rule of Law? An Assessment of U.S. Policies and Actions Regarding Security-Related Treaties (2003); and author, The Legality of Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons: A Guide to the Historic Opinion of the International Court of Justice (1998). He has also published articles and op-eds in journals and newspapers including Arms Control Today, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, the World Policy Journal, Newsweek, and Newsday. He has taught international law as an adjunct professor at Rutgers Law School. He has a J.D. and Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley and a B.A. from Harvard University.


Elizabeth Shafer

Elizabeth J. Shafer, J.D., was a Vice-President of the Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy from 2008 to 2016, and has been a Board member since 1994. She was a Drafter of the 1997 Model Nuclear Weapons Convention. She has written papers on various nuclear subjects: "Nuclear Development and Civil Liberties: International Implications" (1981) ; "Recommendations Toward an International Consensus for Radioactive Waste Disposal, for a Nuclear Weapons Convention"(1996); "Effects and Cause: Mens Rea, or Knowledge of the Effects of Nuclear Weapons as a Factor of Individual Criminal Responsibility in the Statute for the International Criminal Court"(1998); "Circling Beasts: The Exigency of Abolishing Nuclear Weapons; the Convergence of Pragmatism and International Humanitarian Law" (1999) ; "Catch-2000: Heller's Complex Humor" (2000); "Nuclear Risks: Necessity and Illegality" (2005). In addition, she is the author of "Good Faith Negotiation, the Nuclear Disarmament Obligation of Article VI of the NPT, and Return to the International Court of Justice," a paper she first presented at a 2006 IALANA conference in 2006, and which was subsequently published as one of four articles in Legal Obligation to Nuclear Disarmament? (IALANA 2009). She is a graduate of the City University of New York Law School at Queens College.

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Peter Weiss

Peter Weiss was President of Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy from 1981, when the organization was founded, to 2013, and remains active as President Emeritus and a member of the Board. Mr. Weiss is also President Emeritus  of the International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms, and is a former Vice President of the Center for Constitutional Rights and a former Vice President of the International Federation of Human Rights in Paris.

Mr. Weiss is a graduate of Yale Law School and has lectured and written widely on the international law of war and peace, nuclear weapons and human rights. He was the principal author of the draft brief on the illegality of threat or use of nuclear weapons used by many countries in making written submissions to the International Court of Justice in the 1996 nuclear weapons advisory opinion, and served as counsel to Malaysia at the hearings. His most recent article on law and nuclear weapons is "A Legal Path to a Nuclear Weapons Free World" in the Austrian Review of International and European Law (2010). Mr. Weiss is also a leading human rights lawyer, and with the Center for Constitutional Rights litigated the seminal case establishing the right of victims of torture to sue their torturers in US courts (Filartiga v. Peña-Irala). He retired from the practice of international trademark law in 2006. He is a founder and former President of the American Committee on Africa; former Chairman of the Board of the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington; and Emeritus Advisory Board Member of the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights. He has also long been an activist for peace and justice in the Middle East and is a member of the Board of Directors of Americans for Peace Now.