Letter to Vice President Biden


Dear Vice President Biden:

We write to urge policies that we believe your administration should adopt in relation to nuclear weapons, assuming that you are elected President. Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy since 1981 has advocated for non-use and global elimination of nuclear weapons in accordance with international law.

In your January 11, 2017 remarks at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, you said: “As a nation, I believe we must keep pursuing the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons—because that is the only surety we have against the nightmare scenario becoming reality. This was a problem created by human ingenuity. So it can be solved with human ingenuity and a belief in our better angels.” We wholeheartedly agree. We would add that the threat and use of nuclear weapons are unlawful, and that this legal reality complements the policy reasons why reliance on nuclear weapons by any country is not in our national interest…

To read the entire letter (PDF), click here.
